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Shooters are a species of Robocons that appear as enemies in the Nest of Oblivion.
They are the most basic Oblicon that is capable of doing ranged attacks similar to the player and is essentially a superior version of Zombies.


If level is less than 25, their spawn rate is 8.333%. Else, they have a spawn rate of 4.16%.



They can follow and pathfind their way to the player like Zombies. However, they stop when they are at a nearby distance, possibly to protect themselves from players close attacks.


They can shoot yellow bullets that deal 10 damage.


A Shooter has a chance to drop the basic set of Pickups available to a Visicon.

Balbal Information

  • Requires 1 Kill: An Oblicon capable of shooting and laying bombs, it is a hollow echo of a Holistic Union Warrior.
  • Requires 90 Kills: Instead of chasing after Visicons endlessly like Zombies, they come to an halt when they can shoot.
  • Requires 8100 Kills: The fact that Zombies far outnumber Shooters is because Shooters require more consciousness to create, thus more expensive.
Shooter Details
Attribute Value
Health 9
Movement Through Obstacles Not Allowed
Shooting Ability Yes
Reward Points 1
Score Value 3000
Melee Damage 0
Speed Multiplier 1x (Normal)
World Health Bar Not Displayed