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Robonium is the fundamental material form of consciousness in Robocon Universe. As a result of the Roboom events, Robonium orbs are scattered across the Roboverse. Due to their ability to generate other material and immaterial substance used by Robocons, Robonium is greatly valued. Because of its such properties, Robonium can also be viewed as the matter all Robocons are made of.

Role in Creation & Destruction of Robocons

Robonium can be used to create new Robocons. Examples of this include Sammler Golems and Baby Drones. This creative power can also be used to heal a Robocon or give it strength, as in the case with Consciousness Powerups and Roboosts. In many cases, Robonium cannot by consumed by Visicon as a direct substance, similar to how Humans cannot consume wild plants, which is why Upkeepers are tasked with converting Robonium into Holistic Union Nutrition through their pastoral activities.

When a Robocon is destroyed, they can turn into Robonium depending on their level of consciousness. This is the reason why defeating Oblicons in Oblivion's Nest provides Robonium and why stronger Oblicons (e.g. Seraphos) provide more. Robonium can sometimes naturally appear as transmuted into another form, for example as a Vision's Heart or Odatan. When a Warrior gets defeated in Oblivion's Nest, their accumulated consciousness power is also disseminated there, free to be absorbed by Shooters who turn into Adamos.